Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quick Tip

Before posting about the third value proposition, Best Product or Service, I would like to address a question I have been received lately with regards to analyzing the competition. The essence of the question is this; what's a good way to figure out my competition's value proposition so I can effectively position my organization to beat them?

Here's a quick tip: if your compititor is a publicly traded company then a very effective way to analyze their strategy is to listen to their quarterly earnings calls. You can access these calls on most company websites under a link called “Investor Relations,” or something similar. Every quarter you can listen to the company’s CEO discuss their performance, strategy, budgets, and overall outlook on the market. You can gain a vast amount of knowledge this way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea, Joe. I am the director of manufacturing and operations for my company. I am constantly looking for methods to assess what the other guys are doing. Thanks.